5 Cleaning Supplies You Always Need In Your Kitchen

3 min read

It is a must to maintain a clean and hygienic kitchen. The last thing you want is to prepare food for your family in a kitchen contaminated with bacteria and germs. In order to keep everyone healthy at home, stop the transmission of infectious bacteria and germs. The following are the vital pieces of cleaning items that must be kept on hand at all times in the kitchen.

All-Purpose Cleaner

An all-purpose cleaner is excellent for cleaning a plethora of surfaces in your kitchen. It can be used on your sinks, countertops, floors, and even your appliances. Look for a cleaner that is designed to get rid of filth, grime, and food stains. Make sure that it is safe to use without causing damage to these surfaces.

Dish Soap

Dish soap is one of those cleaning supplies that can’t be skipped in the kitchen. You can use it to clean worktops and other surfaces. But most importantly, it’s helpful in cleaning cutlery, dishes, and cooking pots and pans and other utensils. Make sure that you only use dishwashing liquid that is specifically formulated for greasy stains and food spills yet easy on the skin of your hands.

Microfiber Cloths

Instead of paper towels, you should instead use microfiber cloths to wipe down the surfaces in your kitchen. They are more absorbent, they last longer, and can be used in many different ways. And compared to paper towels, microfiber cloths are better for the environment. Partner it with your all-purpose cleaner or dish soap you can effectively clean surfaces and wipe up spills.

Barkly Basics

Kitchen Sponge

Sponge for the kitchen is another must-have. Sponges can be used to clean dishes, sinks, countertops, and more. These surfaces can easily encourage bacteria and germ growth if not properly cleaned and sanitized. If you are looking for high-quality sponges that will not ruin the overall look of your kitchen, then consider the ones from Barkly Basics. They have sponges that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also safe to use. 

Baking Soda + Vinegar

Baking soda is a useful cleaner for the kitchen. It cleans ovens, gets rid of smells in the fridge and garbage disposal, and gets tough stains out. Vinegar is another useful cleaner for the kitchen. And when mixed with water or baking soda, it creates a potent yet safe cleaner.

It is very important that you take the necessary steps to learn a little bit more about what you should be using to clean your kitchen. Remember that some cleaning products and items can be hazardous not only to human health, but the environment too. So make sure that you only choose products according to your needs with this  consideration.

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